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Why you Should Not Burn Wet Firewood

Firewood can be used for so many things today. And as a new day emerges, firewood is taking over gas, stove, and other means. To burn wet firewood can be very challenging and discouraging. To differentiate wet firewood and dry firewood can be confusing most times.

Firewood that is too high in moisture content to burn effectively in a strive or fireplace. It can be a struggle for wet woods to catch fire, less heat will be released, with the unpleasant experience of burning, and a lot of smoke will be produced. For you to experience the most successful and hottest fires it will be nice for you to know the knowledge of why you should not burn wet woods. 

Therefore, we are going to know the reason why we should not burn wet would but first what is the meaning of wet wood. 

What Is Wet Firewood and why should we avoid using them?

It is not all wood that is good to use for firewood. To get an effective and efficient burning of woods, the woods have to be in the proper order. And, the moisture content has to also be very low. Naturally, woods are high in moisture content and when the woods are plenty, you will derive a lot of moisture content. 

If you take a fresh firewood Conwy or log and when you check out the moisture content by using a moisture meter, you will realize how it is relatively high in moisture. 

Unseasoned woods will be too wet to burn. Although it is rare to see that all would have the same moisture content, some somethings affect the moisture content. For example:

  • The year in which the wood was cut 

  • The kind of the wood 

  • The type and condition of the tree 

  • If the wood is properly dried before use


The main thing that affects the burning of wood is the nature of the wood. If the nature is properly dried like dry logs Denbighshire then your woods will successfully burn well but if it is not the case then you will have issues burning the wood. 

 In the situation where a block of wood has high moisture content then it will not burn well on fire. A lot of energy is required by the fire before it can properly burn off too much moisture from the wood before it can burn effectively. 

When you go ahead and use wet wood for burning, it can lead to short-term issues, for instance, forming a lot of smoke, struggling fires, and also long-term issues like creosote buildup will be increased with chimneys. 


There is a lot of struggle for anyone who wants to use wet wood should realize that there is a lot of struggles involved. Dry woods are the best for burning wood like dry log Denbighshire. The above has explained the reason why we should not use wet wood for burning firewood.


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